Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 7: Week One Done!

Today was a fun day at AM Barn. I helped fed the teenagers today. That means pick up loose hay by hand outside and walk to the teenager’s pen outside and throw the hay into their huge feeding stall.

Two students were in the second floor of the barn where they keep all the bales of hay. They untie them and throw them out a window near the teenager pen.  Then as I go and muster up some hay Molly, decides to restock us with some hay rain. I’ve heard of big heads, dumb heads, and even potheads, but this morning I was a Hay Head.

The hay went and like somehow fused with my hair, no mater how much I pulled out there always seemed to be more, not just on the surface but actually to scalp too!

But it was still a good morning, because of the students brought us donuts, we each got one on our way out.


I started off with English 10. We finished Watchmen and are getting ready for our finally project.

Then I had chemistry, we did a review of our homework, and then we got prepped to do our last lab. We are going to do the it on Monday, be we just planed everything out, because with this lab we are fully on our own, no help.

While in Chemistry, I was paired in a group of three, Lee who I was I the same dorm with and Sam the guitarist I played with at Coffee House. I was the only sophomore, so I did really know many others in the classes besides these guys.

Sam saw that I was using his Blues driver, that he lost a while back, he said he didn’t mind if I want I can buy it off of him for $20, which is a great deal since it really costs $100!

During Conference Block I jammed with Juno again and we finally made the perfect groove to play for assemble, and we just rocked out for the whole time, we actually over did it because be when we stopped I was late for my next class.

Luckily my teacher doesn’t mind lateness too much, he just let it slide.


Today I had Frisbee practice, and this time I was prepared, I changed in to my shorts and brought some Gatorade.

We started out with a light jog, and then we did a practice to work on catching/ blocking the Frisbee when running on both offense and defense.

Later we had another scrimmage, my team won!


I decided to eat outside, so did Molly, Ella & Bella (girls I met on the first night) and Moi a guy from my dorm that has helped me a lot.

We sat together by the steps. Ella and me talked about Green day then we moved to Pokemon, the whole group got involved, actually once I mentioned Pokemon, like three guys came up and was like “did I just hear Pokemon.”

Then it turned out That Bella and Molly are a huge Pokemon Fan, and I showed them my emulator and we all fangirled over it. 

It was pretty awesome to know I’m not the only nerd around here.


 At the end of the Night I basically just jammed out again with Rolan and Isaiah, both from my dorm. Rolan on piano, and Isaiah on Bass, we worked on our cover of King for a Day by Green Day. Me made great progress.

Can’t wait till my performances next week gotta end it with a bang!

P.S. I really want to thank you guys back at home for all your support and feedback. Keep it coming! and I give a full shout out on my last post. 

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