Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 2: The Day Before Classes

When I finally awoke, everyone was already out and about. I pretty much got up around three and just chilled in the dorm, listened some to music, on the interwebs, played guitar, eat, talked in a group circle and even watch a little anime. Not in that order.


As I began to meet new people and make more friendships, I started to see who these people really were.

And let me tell you, Those who know how crazy Benedict’s can get, these guys are pretty insane but awesome at the same time.

“Being isolated in the middle of no where” they pretty much act in very peculiar ways unique to each Putney student. It’s just awesome, they’re all very accepting and open to many things.

The level of intellect is astounding, although their random conversations and langue may say otherwise. However with many of the student sheer talent and placidness, really makes this place the perfect fit for me.


One aspect of Putney I really love is their community, and although at Benedict’s we all like to talk about our brotherhood and community. This place just blows us right out of the water.

I feel so welcomed and right at home. I feel safe, comfy and happy here. I shared lots of laughs and they really helped me along, getting me to really know the place and getting me ready for the full on Putney experience.

I ended the night with a small guitar jam with the bassist of the jazz combo of which who I played with the night before. 

I can’t wait to start the full on Putney experience tomorrow, I have AM barn so it’s going to start with a big one!

I better get some sleep, because I start work at six in the mourning.


  1. Wow that sounds like a great experience, you should fit right in since the school is similar to Benedict's. But have a good time and enjoy your experience.

  2. It sounds like your having some real fun. I know that it can be hard to meet new people. But I am glad that they make you feel at home. Enjoy it Bro.
