Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day 5: Half-Day Hump Day

AM barn every morning, and today I was able to experience some of the cows first hand. I told a teenager calf out for a walk around the soccer, field. I ran with it and had some fun, and it began to really trust me and was very calm with me in the end.


First up I had English 10, and I got a downloaded version of Watchmen the Graphic Novel. We talked more on the little observations and themes that were portrayed in the reading the days before.

Then I had Comp. Religions, we finish watching Grand Torino, and then talk about what we got from the film, the character development, and purely analyzing its themes and relating it to Christianity.

I only had two classes today because Wednesdays are normally half days. So with the free time I decided to write my blog post that I did do yesterday because I was so tired and get some laundry done; while catching up on some sleep in the in between time.


I played I game of battle hack with a couple of students. It is where be stand in a circle and kick a hanky sack to each other. After the sack has touch three people it must me caught in the air. When caught you must hack, more of pelt it at the nearest person around. It you catch it before three people have touched it, then that person must face his back to the wall and everyone who is playing gets to have one chance to pelt him with the hanky sack.


On Wednesdays, there is a Putney shuttle that tarries us to the town of Putney and back. So me and another student from my dorm went to the general store and just picked up a bunch of snacks. I stocked up and created my dorm stash of food to snack on the hungry times.


Later on that day I met with Guitar teacher at Putney. And this guy can play, to be truthfully honest I think he’s better than Dr. Fetcher, My first guitar teacher, and me combined.

I gave me full freedom to delve into whatever I want in each lesson. He plays rock really well and definitely mastered jazz, or what he calls “The J Word.” 

We mainly worked on learning the modes, all of them, along with all the little connects, how to use them all around the neck, and harmonizing the scales and keys over the various chords and chord changes.

I have another lesson with him tomorrow; we are going to work more on the modes and chords. He said if there’s any song or solo I want to learn; we’ll learn ‘em.


  1. It is so cool about the things you are doing over there. I've always wanted to learn how to play hanky sack myself. It awsome that you were able to find a teacher who is teaching you music because I know how much you love it.

  2. Seems like you're having a blast over there and learning that there is more outside of Jersey. I always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but never had a chance to.

  3. Well from looking at this i wish i was there doing all those things like playing guitar because i don't know how to played but i will like to learn one day. It seems like your having a good time over there well keep on writing its good stuff.

  4. I'm glad you're having a great time over there. Seems like you got used to it and you fit in perfectly. Must be a different lifestyle with your experience with cows and stuff. I'm glad you're taking guitar lessons. Keep up your blog comments.

  5. Awesome buddy! I'm glad you're having so much fun discovering new things and meeting new people. Enjoy it because that place sounds fun with great people. Good luck!
    - M. Cajas

  6. Cool man, have fun down there. I glad that you are having a good experience .Have fun
